Plot Power Spectral Densities

Probabilistic Power Spectral Densities will be computed for each channel of a station. The results of the computation will be plotted and saved in a npz file. See the section Plot PPSD station channel for more explanation.

The median of Power Spectral Densities will then computed using npz files for each channel. The section Plot Median PSD of a channel

Plot Probabilistic Power Spectral Densities (PPSD)

Provide graphical representation of the ppsd of a station. To get more information for this command:

$plotPPSDSC -h

To run the command:

$plotPPSDSC SDSDirectory stationXMLFilename --station stationCode --channel channelCode --startTime  "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" --endTime "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" [Options]

The plotPPSDSC command can be run with optional arguments:

$plotPPSDSC -h
usage: plotPPSDSC [-h] [--station STACOD] [--channel CHACOD]
               [--location LOCCOD] [--output OUTPUT] [--outFormat FMTID]
               [--npzDir NPZDIR] [--npzFileName NPZFILENAME]
               [--result RESULT] --startTime START_TIME --endTime END_TIME
               [--duration SECONDCOUNT] [--isHydroOct]

Provide graphical representation of the ppsd of a station (fournit diagramme
probabiliste des Densités Spectrales de Puissance pour chaque canal, de code
distinct, parmi toutes les stations)

positional arguments:
  INPUTDIR              <INPUTDIR> input SDS root directory path
  INPUTMETAFILE         <INPUTMETAFILE> input file, wildcards accepted (please
                        write the name with wildcards * between quotes, ex.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --station STACOD      <STACOD> Optional station code
  --channel CHACOD      <CHACOD> Optional channel code
  --location LOCCOD     <LOCCOD> Optional location code
  --output OUTPUT       <OUTPUT> Optional output file name
  --outFormat FMTID     <FMTID> Optional format of output file (JPEG ro PNG)
  --npzDir NPZDIR       <NPZDIR> Optional directory for npz output files
  --npzFileName NPZFILENAME
                        <NPZFILE> Optional file name for npz output
  --result RESULT       <RESULT> Required path to a CSV output file
  --startTime START_TIME
                        <START_TIME> Required starting time
  --endTime END_TIME    <END_TIME> Optional end time
  --duration SECONDCOUNT
                        <SECONDCOUNT> Optional number of second for each
                        station waveform plot, this usually corresponds to the
                        duration of a seismic event

Plot Median Power Spectral Densities (Median PSD)

Provide graphical representation of the median psd of a channel for all stations. The median PSD will be computed using npz files. To get help for this command:

$plotPPSDC -h

To run the command:

$plotPPSDC stationXMLFilename channelCode [Options]

The plotPPSDC command can be run with optional arguments:

$plotPPSDC -h
usage: plotPPSDC [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--outFormat FMTID] [--npzDir NPZDIR]
              [--result RESULT]

Provide graphical representation of the ppsd of a channel for all stations
(fournit diagramme probabiliste des Densités Spectrales de Puissance pour
chaque canal, de code distinct, parmi toutes les stations)

positional arguments:
  INPUTMETAFILE      <INPUTMETAFILE> input file, wildcards accepted (please
                     write the name with wildcards * between quotes, ex.
  CHANNELCODE        <CHANNELCODE> channel code required

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT    <OUTPUTFILE> Optional output file name
  --outFormat FMTID  <FMTID> Optional format of output file (JPEG ro PNG)
  --npzDir NPZDIR    <NPZDIR> Optional directory for npz input files
  --result RESULT    <RESULT> Required path to a CSV output file