Plot A Map of Stations

This command generates a map of all stations of a given network. Type the following help to see more explanation.

$ plotStationsMap -h

To create a map, use the following command

$ plotStationsMap [Option] stationXMLFilename

The input file is a station xml file containing metadata of all stations that will be plotted in the created map.

The following is the use of the plotStationsMap command with all optional arguments:

$ plotStationsMap -h
usage: plotStationsMap [-h] [--output OUTPUTFILE] [--outFormat FMTID]

Provide a map of all stations (fournit carte géographique des stations du

positional arguments:
  INPUTMETAFILE        <INPUTMETAFILE> input file, wildcards accepted (please
                    write the name with wildcards * between quotes, ex.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUTFILE  <OUTPUTFILE> Optional output file name
  --outFormat FMTID    <FMTID> Optional format of output file (JPEG ro PNG)